SingFinance has received accolades for our achievements in corporate governance practices. Please refer to the “About Us-Awards’ section of the Annual Report for more details.
For the financial year ended 31 December 2023 (“FY2023”), SingFinance has complied with and adhered to the spirit of the Code of Corporate Governance issued on 6 August 2018 (the “Code”) in its corporate governance practices. Our corporate governance practices described in the report demonstrate the board of directors’ (“Board”) application of good governance which is underpinned by sound risk management and robust internal controls with reference to the Code.
Where there is any variation in SingFinance’s practices from the provisions of the Code, appropriate explanation has been provided in the report. We provide a Summary of Disclosures on our compliance with the Code in Page 40 of the latest Annual Report.
The foundation of SingFinance’s corporate governance structure is supported by 3 key pillars as follows:
The Board has established the following Board Committees to assist in the execution of its duties and to allow more detailed consideration of complex issues in the management of the Company:
The AC is responsible for assisting the Board in its oversight of the reliability and integrity of the accounting policies and financial reporting as well as to scrutinize the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal controls. In discharging its oversight role, the AC is authorized and empowered to investigate any matter within its terms of reference and has full access to and cooperation of the Management.
The AC, together with the Management and the external auditors, reviews the Group’s audited financial statements and the accounting principles applied. Through the maintaining and application of appropriate accounting and financial reporting principles and policies and internal controls and procedures, the AC assesses whether the financial statements comply with the accounting standards and applicable laws and regulations.
The AC conducts an annual review of all non-audit services by the external auditors to satisfy itself that the nature and extent of such services will not prejudice the independence and objectivity of the external auditors.
The AC holds meetings with the internal auditors and external auditors at least once a year without the presence of Management. It examines the audit findings of the external and internal auditors. It also reviews with the Internal Audit Manager on the scope, results and effectiveness of the audits and approves the internal audit plan in consultation with the Management. Any factors that may adversely affect the internal audit function’s independence, objectivity or effectiveness will be reviewed by the AC.
In FY2023, the AC’s activities, in line with its terms of reference, include:
The AC takes measures to keep abreast of the changes to accounting standards and issues which have a direct impact on financial statements by attending relevant training and via meetings with the external auditors who will update the AC on recent developments in accounting standards and other relevant matters.
RMC assists the Board in identifying the principal risks of the Company’s business and to institute a framework of prudential controls to identify, assess, measure, monitor and manage these risks. These risks include credit risk, liquidity risk, market risk, operational risk, technology risk, cybersecurity risk, reputational risk and risks related to asset and liability management, new products, information technology, regulatory compliance, outsourcing and business continuity, and environmental and climate risk. The RMC is supported by the Risk Management and Compliance Departments.
The appointment and re-appointment of directors to the Board is assessed and recommended by the NC, taking into account the need for progressive renewal of the Board.
The main terms of reference of the NC are as follows:
The primary role of the RC under its terms of reference is to assist the Board in the following:
The RC may seek remuneration consultants’ advice or perform a market survey of benchmarking directors’ compensation every 3 to 5 years depending on market conditions and the results of the survey will be presented to the Board. No remuneration consultants have been engaged for FY2023.
Address :
96 Robinson Road
#08-01 SIF Building
Singapore 068899
Compliance / Internal Audit Department
SingFinance is committed to a high standard of ethical conduct with no tolerance for fraudulent practices. The Company has put in place a Whistle-blowing Policy and procedures which provide employees and members of the public with well-defined and accessible channels within the Company, to raise genuine concerns or suspicions about possible improprieties in accounting, auditing and financial reporting or any other fraudulent activities relating to the Company and its officers.
The Whistle-blowing Policy aims to encourage the reporting of such matters in good faith and the Company is committed to ensure that employees or members of the public making such reports will be treated fairly and protected from reprisal. Internal Audit Department and Compliance Department, both with independent reporting line to the board sub-committees are in-charge of investigating whistleblowing reports, if any. The Audit Committee is responsible for oversight and monitoring of whistleblowing matters. The Company will ensure the confidentiality of the whistle-blower and allow disclosures to be made anonymously. On an ongoing basis, the Whistle-blowing Policy is covered during staff training and periodic communication to all staff as part of the Company’s efforts to promote awareness of fraud control. Procedures for handling of feedback/ complaints received from customers and independent investigations of such complaints have also been established. The Company undertakes to investigate complaints of suspected fraud in an objective manner.
At SingFinance, we adopt a strong stance against bribery and corruption, and we uphold ethical business practices and a zero-tolerance policy to any form of misconduct.
SingFinance is committed to conducting our business activities in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations including but not limited to the Singapore Prevention of Corruption Act 1960, as well as any other applicable laws that prohibit bribery and corruption.
Under our Enterprise Risk Management Framework on managing bribery and corruption risks, business and support units are required to identify, assess, monitor and report corruption risks, which may arise in their respective scope of work and/or business. This policy is reviewed annually and approved by the Risk Management Committee (RMC), which assist the Board of Directors in providing advisory support for compliance with anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws, as well as for the management of any identified risk.
With respect to customer and investor relationships, we regularly review and communicate applicable anti-corruption policies and procedures, including putting up notices at our website, mobile or internet application, or by sending our customers and investors letters or emails, where required. We require our employees, contractors, vendors, third parties and other stakeholders to be aware of and to comply diligently with our anti-bribery and anti-corruption provisions. We also review our training module on anti-bribery and anti-corruption annually to ensure that the content is aligned with our overall objectives.
All employees are responsible for their own compliance and must ensure that they adhere to SingFinance anti-bribery and corruption practices and policy to protect SingFinance’s reputation. All individuals who genuinely suspect or become aware of the existence of any wrongdoing, corruption, fraud, bribery or corruption conduct within SingFinance may report such matters via any of the following avenues:
Via Email:
Via Letter: 96 Robinson Road #09-01, SIF Building, Singapore 068899
Attention to: Internal Audit Department
The reporting party is encouraged to include his/her contact information. SingFinance will ensure the confidentiality of the reporting and prohibit any form of reprisal against the reporting party if the report is made in good faith. Frivolous and bogus reports will be disregarded and if the reports are established to have been made with malicious intent, SingFinance will consider taking appropriate actions against the reporting party.
Clear complaint handling procedures are in place and communicated to customers to ensure that all complaints are dealt with professionally, fairly, promptly and diligently.
The Company continues to adopt the best practices advocated by the SGX-ST, as set out in Rule 1207(19) of the Listing Manual, for the trading of the Company’s shares by its staff and directors.
The Company has established policies in place to ensure that employees do not place themselves in positions where their own interests could conflict with those of the Company. The following internal human resource policies guide all directors and officers in their dealings in the Company’s shares:
The Board of Directors adopts the Directors’ Code of Professional Conduct (“Code of Conduct”) published by Singapore Institute of Directors (“SID”). The Code of Conduct seeks to ensure that all directors are committed to achieving the highest level of professionalism and integrity in the discharge of their office and is intended to complement the Code.
While the Code sets out the principles of corporate governance to be observed by listed companies, the Code of Conduct amplifies the standards of ethics which should be adopted by individual directors in order to bring out the highest standards of conduct in the discharge of their office.
The Code of Conduct embraces the values of honesty, integrity, personal excellence and accountability which should be the cornerstone of every director’s conduct.
The Company continuously exercises prudence in its business dealings and has in place a personnel policy that sets out the standards and ethical conduct expected of employees. In addition, all staff members are required to observe the guidelines stated in the Finance Houses Association of Singapore’s Code of Conduct. The principles covered in the Code of Conduct include confidentiality of information, conflict of interests, relationships with customers and insider trading. The Company ensures that all staff members continue to observe high standards of professionalism and integrity in their dealings with the customers, business associates and colleagues.
For investor relations matters, please contact:
Address :
96 Robinson Road
#08-01 SIF Building
Singapore 068899
Tel: (65) 6438 7060
Fax: (65) 6305 0281
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