Welcome to Sing Investments & Finance Limited

Revision in SIF GIRO Saver Account

With effect from 01 December 2018, SIF GIRO Saver Account will be revised, as per table below: Account Balance Interest Rates First S$300,000 1.50% p.a. Above S$300,000 0.15% p.a. Please contact us at any of our SIF Branch should you require further assistance.

SIAS 19th Investors’ Choice Award 2018

Sing Investments & Finance Limited won the Singapore Corporate Governance Award (Small Cap category) at the SIAS 19th Investors’ Choice Award 2018. This is SIF’s second consecutive win at the Investors’ Choice Awards under the same category.

PayNow Corporate with Sing Investments & Finance Limited

With the launch of PayNow Corporate e-payment service, you can now make payments to Sing Investments & Finance Limited (SIF) by just keying in our Unique Entity Number (UEN) or scanning our Quick Response (QR) code, and we will receive the payments instantly. Yes, it’s that simple and secure.How to pay SIF with PayNow Corporate? […]

Notification of Entry into the SGX Fast Track for 2018

SGX Fast Track was introduced on 4 April 2018 in recognition of the efforts and achievements of listed issuers who have upheld high standards of Corporate Governance and maintained a good compliance track record. Sing Investments & Finance Limited has been placed on the SGX Fast Track for 2018. As a constituent of the SGX […]